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(0-374) 223-94-60
Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city


  • Head of Department: Бутабоев Махмуджон Тухлибоевич
  • Work time: 08:00 – 15:30
  • Phone number: +998 93 415 55 05
  • Email:

The Department of Physical Education and Physical Therapy of Andijan State Medical Institute began its activities in 1959. The head of the department was A. Nogai. Since 1962 the department, which was a separate course, was headed by Associate Professor Reznikov. From 1969 to 1973 the course heading was continued by A. S. Litvak. From 1973 to 2005 the course was headed by Professor A. Zhuraev. Under his leadership, great changes occurred at the department. Since 1975, the course began to be based in the physiotherapy department of ASMI clinical hospital. In 1976 the formation of the separate department was announced due to an increase in teaching hours. From 1975 till nowadays the department was renamed into a course and again into a department due to an increase and then decrease in teaching hours. Since that time, no matter what the department was called, its main activities have not changed. The main directions of development remained research, treatment and the introduction of new methods into the treatment. Since 1985 the Department of Physical Therapy and Medical Control began to be based on the basis of a balneo-physiotherapy-type sanatorium with 200 beds in ASMI clinical hospital. At this time the chief physician of the ASMI clinic was A.A. Abdullajonov.
Research, treatment and practical application of new methods treatment are evolving in their own way. In 2005, the department was renamed into the department of physical culture, health, exercise therapy, VC and physiotherapy. The department was headed by associate professor Mukhtarov O.A. Since 2015, the magistracy in the specialty 5A510127-Sports medicine has been taught as part of the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. In 2017, the department will be renamed into “Rehabilitation and Physical Education”, and from 2020 – into “Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Physical Education”. Since January 2018, the department is headed by associate professor Butaboev M.T.

In 2005, the department was renamed into the Department of Physical Education, Health, Exercise Therapy, Doctor’s Control and Physiotherapy. The department was headed by Associate Professor O.A. Mukhtarov. Since 2015 the Master’s degree in specialty 5A510127.-Sports Medicine has been taught as part of the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. In 2017 the name of the department was renamed to the “Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Education”, and from 2020 – to the “Department of Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Physical Education”. Since January 2018 the department has been headed by M.T. Butaboev.
Since the establishment of our department, 2 doctoral students, 6 candidates, 50 clinical residents and 4 Master’s students have completed their studies and are successfully working in various fields.
The main research work of the department is studying the impact of non-drug therapy on patients with various diseases.
Basic doctoral student of the department (PhD) Tokhtiev Zh.B. conducts research “Morphofunctional state and dynamics of physical training of athletes involved in the national sport “Kurash””.
In the nearest future we plan to continue international research work, improve and develop new methods.

List of teaching staff and department staff


Минаваров Расулжон Анварович

Ответственный за учебную деятельность кафедры, старший преподаватель

+998 93 412 12 55


Солиев Илхомжон Махаммаджанович

Ответственный за лечебную деятельность кафедры, старший преподаватель

+998 90 372 65 15


Исаков Кобилжон Комилжонович

Старший преподаватель кафедры

+998 93 410 10 22


Косимов Исломбек Улугбекович

Старший преподаватель кафедры



Олимова Нилуфар Адхамовна

Ответственный за духовно-просветительскую деятельность кафедры

+998 93 579 35 30


Камалова Нигора Лазизовна

Ассистент кафедры



Азимов Алишер Рахмонович

Ответственный за научную деятельность кафедры Ассистент

+998 974726227


Бутаханов Фаррух Тулкинжонович

Ассистент кафедры

+998 77 0170405


Садыков Сардорбек Азамджонович

Ассистент кафедры

+998 90 3839933


Тохтиев Джахангир Бахтиярович

Ассистент кафедры



Эргашев Элмуроджон Эркинжонович

Ассистент кафедры

+998 916111771


Маткомилов Джамшидбек Ахунджонович

Ассистент кафедры



Эргашев Азизбек Алижан оглы

Ассистент кафедры



Валиев Равшанбек Ахмаджонович

Ассистент кафедры

+998 93 4490306


Пулатов Сарваржон Собиржон угли

Ассистент кафедры

+998 93 4470132


Тян Денис Львович

Ассистент кафедры

+998 97 999 48 99

The department is located in Andijan region, Andijan Regional Medical Association.
Address: Andijan province, Andijan district, Ekintikin settlement, 75, Chorbog mahalla.

The scientific potential of the department includes 1 employee with an academic degree. The department is focused on developing the main directions of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of diseases, supporting a healthy lifestyle of the population using traditional medicine methods.
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