At the regular meeting with participation of the Academic Council and professorial-teaching staff of Andijan State Medical Institute, such issues as “Preparatory work at the Institute for the academic year 2020/2021 “, “Participation of professors and teachers of the institute in the prevention of coronavirus in regional and city clinics”, “Fight against corruption: problems and solutions” have been discussed.
First, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs A.Sh. Arzikulov reported on the preparations for the new academic year, the measures taken by professors and teachers of the institute to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Important issues were discussed by the participants, and necessary instructions were given to the relevant staff.
Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs P.Kh. Askhanov spoke on “Fight against Corruption: Problems and Solutions”. He provided information on corruption cases in the higher education system, despite the fact that at the initiative of the President of our country this year a number of measures are being taken to turn it into a “corruption-free sector”.
In the 2020/2021 academic year, 28 applicants applied for one place to study at Andijan State Medical Institute. This is one of the highest rates among higher educational institutions in the country, and also testifies to the prestige and potential of the institute. However, news circulated in the media and social media yesterday that the arrest of an associate professor of the institute who had received a bribe of $ 2,000 from the applicant was a big blow to Andijan State Medical Institute. Rector of the Institute, Professor M.M. Madazimov sadly conveyed this information to the staff.
According to the report, a joint operation of the Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Andijan regional department of the State Security Service revealed that G.K.,the associate professor of Andijan State Medical Institute, initially promised the citizen Sh.B. to admit him to the institute and demanded $ 8,000, but then G.K. said that the deadline for submission of documents to the institute has passed and as a result G.K. was detained with material evidence when received $ 2,000 from Sh.B. in exchange for admission to Osh State University of the Kyrgyz Republic. The case is under investigation.
At the meeting, the rector of the institute said that anti-corruption measures, which hinder the development of the state and society, do not affect some people with moral decline, and it is very sad that corruption, bribery and fraud occur in the sphere of higher education, medicine and medical education. The heads of the departments and deans of the faculties, who are guilty of the above-mentioned situation under investigation would inevitably be punished. It was emphasized that the reputation of the institute should not be tarnished due to unscrupulous employees, and that such people have no place in the institute.
At the regular meeting of the staff of Andijan State Medical Institute, relevant decisions were made on the issues considered.
ASMI, Information Service.