As you know, based on the tasks set out at the videoconference meeting chaired by the President “On ensuring employment of the population in neighborhoods, increasing their income and eliminating poverty”, and on the instructions of Sh. Abdurakhmonov, the regional governor, consistent work is being carried out to assist the population of red-category neighborhoods, ensure employment, study their problems and eliminate them. In particular, citizens living in 12 residential apartment buildings located in “Binokor” neighborhood citizens’ meeting in Andijan city are assigned to Andijan State Medical Institute; their living conditions and problems are constantly being studied by the authorities.
In particular, today, on January 23, rector of Andijan State Medical Institute M. Madazimov held a visiting reception with the participation of representatives of the “Binokor” neighborhood.
For information: nowadays, there are a total of 1066 families and 27 unemployed people in the neighborhood, of which 10 households belong to the category of poor families.
The rector of the Institute and officials have held meetings with a total of 1002 families to date, and as a result of these meetings, 5 out of 9 citizens who expressed a desire to work were provided with work; 5 out of 5 citizens who expressed a desire to receive a preferential loan were allocated loans worth 45 million soums.
Within the framework of medical services about 300 local citizens underwent medical examinations and 20 out of 20 citizens in need of medical services were provided with medical assistance. Out of 3 citizens who expressed a desire to study for a profession, 3 were assigned to study with qualified specialists of the Institute in the field of Information Technology. Three young persons, who wished to study in higher education in the field of medicine, were assigned to the preparation courses of the Institute in the subjects of Chemistry and Biology free of charge.