Young Scientists Forum has being held in Bangalore, India, on February 6-10, 2023 on the second conclave of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
At the fifth meeting of the heads of science and technology ministries and departments of the ShCO member states, the leaders supported the initiative to organize youth events (forums, competitions, etc.) regularly and initiated the ShCO Young Scientists and Innovators Forum in India.
The participation of Uzbek scientists in the conclave was coordinated by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages of Andijan State Medical Institute Gulbahor Yakhshiboeva and the senior teacher of the Department of Medical Radiology, KLD, sanitary hygiene and epidemiology Zarnigor Madumarova are participating in the second Conclave of young scientists of the ShCO.