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16:13 03.06.2022

Andijan State Medical Institute hosted a presentation of the book “Sinovli yillar” and “Shoʻrlikkina kitobim” ” by a member of the Creative Union of Writers and Journalists of Uzbekistan, publicist and comedian Vosit Ahmad, and the book “Andijonim qalb gavharim” by artist, writer and journalist Odiljon Nishanov.
The head of the regional branch of the Writers ‘Union of Uzbekistan M. Artikova, a member of the Union of Theater Workers, playwright Ziyo Najmiy, a member of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan U. Egamberdiyeva, the authors, the deputy dean of the Faculty of Dentistry H. Mahmudov, psychologist O. Arzikulov and the Information Resource Center staff attended.

During the event, students were informed about the life and work of Vosit Ahmad and Odiljon Nishanov. Samples of their poems, pictures and jokes were given. The authors of the work presented these books to the book fund of our institute.

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