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Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city


17:49 02.04.2022

In the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD № 5847 dated October 18, 2019 “On approval of the concept for the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030”, as well as the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 563 dated September 9, 2021 “On measures to increase the coverage of students of higher educational institutions with housing » tasks were envisaged to accelerate the development of the material and technical base of universities and the construction of dormitories on the basis of a public-private partnership.

The Decree and Resolution provided for the issues of attracting investments in order to meet the growing needs of universities in the construction of new facilities and their use. The concept of the project was presented at ASMI by a private entrepreneur ASADILLO OMAD IMKON LLC. In this project, it was planned to build a dormitory for 400 people on 0.3 hectares of the area of the academic lyceum of ASMI, located at 124 Navoi Street.

This concept was approved on March 11, 2022 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 537 of May 10, 2019 “On public-private partnership” and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 259 of April 26, 2020 “On improving the procedure for implementing public-private partnership projects “.

Interested parties in the implementation of this project must submit their questions and interests till April 23, 2022, at 18.00 Tashkent time.

Project concept

Project details

Proposals will be accepted at:

Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan: 100095 Tashkent, 2 Chimbaya Street, house 96, E-mail:,, web-sayt:, phone number: +99871 246 04 27;
Andijan State Medical Institute: 710027 Andijan region, Andijan city, Yu.Atabekov street, house 1, E-mail:
Phone: +99874 223-94-57, 98 570-31-91, fax: 8(374) 223-94-50;

Public-Private Partnership Development Agency: Tashkent city, Yunusabad district, Sh. Rashidov street, 16, E-mail:,, Tel: 71-203-03-07 ( 701).
According to Article 17 “On Public-Private Partnership”, upon receipt of proposals from interested parties, a tender will be held with the participation of 3 parties to determine the private partnership.


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