According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve the system of women support, ensuring their active participation in society”, 100 needy girls, who have lost a parent or one of them or a single women without a breadwinner, who have been admitted to state higher education institutions on a fee-for-contract basis, from the current academic year a procedure for educating them at the expense of regional khokimiyat and financially stable state higher education institutions was introduced.
On this basis, the contract fees of women admitted to higher education institutions in our region were paid from the extra-budgetary funds of the regional khokimiyat.
Of these, 79 were girls who lost fathers, 12 who lost mothers, 5 were girls whose parents had died, and 4 were women without a breadwinner. On the instructions of the khokim, the figure was increased to 120 people. 16 of them are female students of Andijan State Medical Institute. Encouraged by this attention, the girls promised to become brilliant doctors in future and do more research.
The information was obtained from the press service of the regional khokimiyat