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09:13 24.09.2022

Today, 8,253 students study at Andijan State Medical Institute, 2,761 of them are women. Providing housing for students, especially female students, has become a priority task.
At the meeting of the video selector held by the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. Tashkulov on September 20, 2022, based on the assignments given by the khokim of Andijan region, Shuhratbek Abdurahmanov, regarding the transfer of girls with difficult conditions from rented apartments to students’ hostels, a working group was formed with the participation of the rector of the institute, vice-rectors, faculty deans and their deputies. 13 girls identified by the working group on the implementation of these tasks were transferred to the students’ hostel of the institute. In this regard, the work is organized effectively, and the situation of a single girl is not neglected. Also, the documents of other girls are being studied by the working group, and they are being gradually provided with accommodation.

For information, it can be said that based on the criteria for providing students with accommodation, all students, especially 1st-year students, girls coming from distant regions, are first placed in the students’ hostel of the institute. 538 girls live in this dormitory with 1054 beds. All opportunities are created for young people here. Cozy rooms, sports and craft clubs, kitchen, “Five Initiatives” rooms, libraries are always working.

Also, 2,761 girls in need of accommodation were accommodated in private dormitories and rented apartments in areas close to the institute. All conditions have been created for girls in the “Chempion Bolajon” non-state educational institution and the private hostel “Al-Saida”. Craft and sports clubs regularly work here. In addition, owners have created opportunities for girls in rented apartments. In order to ensure the safety of the girls, the working group consisting of tutors have been established in each residence, and they will report on the condition of the girls.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 605 dated September 24, 2021, a contract was concluded with the owner of the apartment, and 50% of the contract is covered by the institute. Currently, work is being carried out based on the contracts of more than 150 girls, and the remaining documents are being studied by the working group.

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