SUCCESS OF THE STUDENTS – Andijan State Medical Institute
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22:03 28.02.2022

Our government pays special attention to our young people who always strive for the best. It is known that three students of Andijan State Medical Institute were awarded prestigious scholarships, and one was the winner of the competition “Student of the Year – 2021”. Today, in the Scientific Conference hall of the institute, a ceremony of awarding these young people was held.

The rector of the institute M.Madazimov, who took part in the event, spoke in detail about the equal opportunities for all ages, the fact that boys and girls who work on themselves can achieve unlimited success, the activity of our students in learning, participation in conferences and science Olympiads.
Along with the award recipients and the winners of the competition, their parents and first teachers were also thanked. Inspired by the achievements of their children and students, the participants expressed their gratitude.

Videos and banners presenting our students, their role models, and their opinions have been prepared. Roundtable discussions are also being held with their participation.
It will be recalled that Durdonabegim Zaynobiddinova, a sixth-year student of Professional Education direction, became a holder of the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Zebiniso Inakova, a sixth-year student of the Pediatric Faculty, became the winner of Ibn Sino scholarship, Abdukodir Yuldashev, a 5th year student of the Faculty of Dentistry, became the winner of the Islam Karimov Scholarship, and Akmaljon Azimov was nominated for the “Most Active Promoter-Entrepreneur of the Year”.


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