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Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city



The Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) was established on April 9, 2021 on the basis of the Andijan State Medical Institute in cooperation with the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the state unitary enterprise IP-Center under the Agency, is an innovative structure that does not have the status of a legal entity.

The Center was established on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 1, 2017 No. 3365 “On measures to further strengthen the infrastructure of research institutions and the development of innovative activities” and “Memorandum on the establishment of technology and innovation support centers in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, which was signed on October 6, 2017 between the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Intellectual Property Agency property of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The purpose of TISC is to increase the innovative potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan by providing information and scientific and methodological assistance to users of CPIT services in the field of intellectual property protection.

 TISC Tasks:

– obtaining patents for inventions and utility models, including assistance in the international protection of patents for the RST procedure;

-to promote the spread of innovations in the country through the effective use of scientific and technical information, including specialized databases in the field of intellectual property, to assist business entities and individual inventors engaged in innovative activities in gaining access to patent and non-patent information resources of the Intellectual Property Agency (IPA) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), as well as other information resources;

– stimulating the creation and effective use of the results of intellectual activity;

-promotion and popularization of innovative activities in society through the organization, preparation and holding of scientific and practical conferences and training seminars on topical issues of the theory and practice of using the results of intellectual property and their legal protection, as well as participation in the dissemination of scientific, methodological and information materials on the basics of legal protection of intellectual property;

– assistance in the implementation of technology transfer in order to further commercialize intellectual property objects with legal protection, with their inclusion on the international market.


TISC provides the following services to university staff (free of charge and primarily), contractors for the introduction of innovations and technologies, as well as third-party organizations, private researchers and all other interested parties:

-services for registration of patent application materials for the results of research, development and other types of innovative activities of the university, as well as foreign organizations, private researchers and all other interested parties;

– use of technical information: providing access to the patent and non-patent database of WIPO and IPA (including research and development in the field of development and innovation (ARDI) and specialized patent information (ASPI);

– training in conducting patent search in order to improve the quality and integrity of submitted applications, as well as increase the number of patents for industrial property;

– assistance in data retrieval when performing a patent search using a database;

– assistance in obtaining legal protection in the Republic of Uzbekistan with the possibility of subsequent international patent protection under the RST procedure;

– providing advisory assistance in signing licensing agreements for industrial property objects during their commercialization;

– dissemination of information materials received from the Tiqm coordinator in the field of intellectual property;

– providing general information on intellectual property legislation.




Andijan State Medical Institute Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC)

Abdurakhimov Abdukhalim

Address: 1 Yu. Atabekov str., Andijan, 170127.

Phone: +99897-582-91-17, +99894-101-00-91


Working hours: Mon – Sat 9:00-16:00

Lunch: 13:00 – 14:00.

Sunday is a day off


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