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The faculty of advanced training and retraining of physicians passed awarding qualification categories for the physicians of Fergana Valley

10:22 18.06.2019

On June 15, 2019, In order to fulfill the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 426 dated July 31, 2017,  the certification commission consisting of the chief specialist on control over licensing and accreditation of healthcare departments of Namangan and Fergana regions has passed the next awarding the qualification category at the faculty of advanced training and retraining of Physicians at the institute by the qualified specialists and specialists of the Institute.

Dean of the faculty Kh.Tursunov and chief specialist on licensing and accreditation of healthcare departments of Andijan, Namangan region, U.Abdurakhmanov, A.Davlatov and N..Abdurakhmonov supervised the process.

Applicants for the qualification category have been qualified by the professorial-teaching staff of the Institute for the qualification category in accordance with paragraph 31 of the Regulations on the certification and qualification category of medical and pharmaceutical staff. Out of 61 applicants, 23 were of the highest category, 4 were of the first category, 5 were of the second category and 29 were the third category.

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