On November 25, 2020, a regular meeting of the Scientific Council of Andijan State Medical Institute was held. The work of the council is headed by the rector of the Institute M.M.Madazimov.
At the council the preparation for the 28th anniversary of the Constitution, spiritual and educational activities, “Traditional and online activities of the Institute were discussed. Problems and their solution” were discussed. Deans of faculties, heads of the departments took part in the Scientific Council.
Initially acting pro-rector on Youth affairs A.A.Abdukhalimov made a report about the preparation for the 28th anniversary of the Constitution, spiritual and educational event.
In this case, the acting pro-rector on Educational affairs R.Abdullajonov informed the participation with the topic.
After the speakers, the achievements and problems in the organization of traditional education, the participation of students in the study were widely discussed.
At the next meeting of the Scientific Council of Andijan State Medical Institute, a relevant decision was taken on the issues discussed.
At the end of the Scientific Council the volunteers of “Young volunteers group” were awarded with memorable gifts by the rector of the Institute for their active participation in the period of pandemics, winners of the badge, “Khakim`s scholarship”.