- Doctor of Chemistry (DSc): Kholboyev Yusubjon Khakimovich
- Working time: 8.00 – 17.00
- Mobile: +998916207021
- Email: @mail.ru
In 1955-1959, the department was managed by associate professor Yusupov F.Yu.
From August 1959, Professor Raevskiy SA was appointed as the head of the department. Year by year, the number of members of the department began to increase. In 1964-1967, associate professor Fuzaylov Yu.M. headed the department.
In 1967-1989, associate professor Lutfullin K L was appointed as the head of the department. During his career, he trained many students, made a great contribution to the development of young scientists.
1990-1996 Associate Professor Mirzaboev EA was appointed as the head of the department. The scientific competence of the department began to rise.
From 1996 to 2004, the head of the department was Prof. AK Karimov. He also worked as vice-rector for spiritual and educational affairs at ASMI, director of the 1st academic lyceum under ASMI. During his work at the department, he paid serious attention to the educational process and its development along with scientific research work. The members of the “Young Chemist” club organized in the department took pride of places in science olympiads of the Republic.
In 2004s the department has been called normal physiology, biological and bioorganic chemistry. As the head of the department ,was Prof. Qodirov Sh Q. began to operate.
In 2012s the department was directed by Associate Professor Khudoyarova A G .
In the assessment of students’ knowledge in lectures and practical sessions, “ Brainstorming ”, “ Salary nest”, “ Around the table”, “ I nsident ” , “ Pen on the table ” , “ Rotation ‘ ‘ , ” Gallery ” , ” Klaster” and other interactive methods are used.
In 2016s the department called Bioorganic and biological chemistry. Associate professor Yu.Kholboev became the head of the department. Since November 2018, the department has been called Medical Chemistry. 1 PhD (DSc), 3 associate professors, 1 senior teacher, 6 assistants, 1 trainee assistant, 3 laboratory assistants are working in the department.
2012 yildan buyon kafedraga dotsent Xudoyarova A.G. rahbarlik qilgan.
Ma’ruza va amaliy mashgulotlarda talabalar bilimini baholashda ’’Miya hujumi”, ’’Asalari uyasi”, ’’Aylana stol atrofida”, ’’Insidient ”, ’’Stol ustida ruchka”, ’’Rotatsiya ”, ’’Galereya ”, ’’Klaster ” kabi interfaol usullardan foydalanilgan.
2016 yildan boshlab kafedra Bioorganik va biologik kimyo deb nomlana boshlandi. Kafedra mudiri etib dotsent Xolboev Yu.X. tayinlandi. 2018 yil noyabr oyidan boshlab kafedra Tibbiy kimyo deb nomlana boshlandi. Kafedrada 1 ta k.f.d. (DSc), 3 ta dotsent, 1 ta katta o’qituvchi, 6 ta assistent, 1 ta stajer assistent, 3 ta laborantlar faoliyat yuritib kelishmoqda.
2022 yilda kafedramizda himoya qilingan ilmiy ishlar
1. Xolboyev Yu.X. “Mochevina xosilalari asosida yangi tovarlar olish va ularni xalq tabobatidagi o’rni” mavzusidagi Kimyo fanlari doktori dissertatsiyasi (DSc) ishini himoya qildi.
2. Razzaqov N.A. “Na’matak va zirk o’simligining kimyoviy tarkibi va ular asosida yangi oziq-ovqat qo’shilmalarini olish” mavzusidagi Kimyo fanlari falsafa doktori dissertatsiyasi (PhD) ishini himoya qildi.
2023 yilda kafedramizda himoya qilingan ilmiy ishlar
Husanov Umidjon Shokirjonovich“ Gulxayri va sedana o’simliklari asosida xalq tabobati uchun tovarlar olish va ularni sinflash” mavzusidagi Kimyo fanlari falsafa doktori dissertatsiyasi (PhD) ishini himoya qildi.
2024 yilda kafedramizda himoya qilingan ilmiy ishlar
Ubaydullayev Komiljon Tursunboyevich “Zaytun va za’faron o‘simligi asosida shifobaxsh oziq-ovqat qo‘shilmalari olish va ularni sinflash” mavzusidagi Kimyo fanlari falsafa doktori dissertatsiyasi (PhD) ishini himoya qildi.
Homidov Inomjon Ilmiddinovich
Kimyo fanlari nomzodi (PhD), dotsent
Abdurahmonov Ulug’bek Qurganbayevich
Kimyo fanlari nomzodi (PhD), dotsent
Islomova Saida Turgunovna
Texnika fanlari nomzodi (PhD), dotsent
Xusanov Umidjon Shokirjonovich
Kimyo fanlari nomzodi (PhD)
O’rmonov Asliddin Abdusamatovich
Maxammatova Sohibaxon Xasanboyevna
Rinat Gubaydulin Shavkatovich
Assistent stajer
Yo’lchiyeva Sevara Tojimatovna
Kimyo fanlari nomzodi (PhD)
Rahimberdiyeva Shohsanam Ravshanbek qizi
Assistent stajer
Abduvohidov Iqboljon Qurvonali o’g’li
Ubaydullayev Komiljon Tursunboyevich
Kimyo fanlari nomzodi (PhD)
Noibjonova Xurshida Murodjon qizi