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17:12 03.11.2023

Today, on November 3, an international scientific practical conference on “Simulation teaching in medicine: problems, solutions, prospects” has been held in Andijan State Medical Institute. The participants of the conference were greeted by the accompaniment of national music and with cheerful emotions.

The conference was opened by professor M. Madazimov, the rector of Andijan State Medical Institute, he thanked all the participants of the event for not being indifferent to the problems, solutions and prospects of simulation training in medicine and for taking part to convey their knowledge to the younger generation. After that, the greeting of A. Inoyatov, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the participants of the conference was read by O. Ismailov, the head of the General Directorate of Science and Educational Institutions.

At the opening ceremony Kolish Alexander Lvovich, executive director of the Russian society for simulation education in medicine and chairman of the presidium, director of the European institute of simulation in medicine, Gorshkov Maksim Dmitriyevich, chairman of the expert committee of the Russian society for simulation education in medicine and J. Rizayev, rector of the Samarkand State Medical University addressed the participants of the conference with congratulations.

More than 200 specialists and researchers from all over our republic and from Russia, Azerbaijan, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Japan took part in this international conference which was organized in online and offline (hybrid) form.

The guests who visited the conference presented souvenirs to the rector of our institute and the organizers.

The conference was divided into 3 sections and more than 50 lectures were delivered. Reports on the subjects “Organization of simulation education in Andijan State Medical Institute: solved and unsolved problems”, “Potential simulators for effective formation of general and professional competence of specialists”, “Designing an educational program using simulation equipment”, “Simulation center for students’ educational, scientific and extracurricular activities”, “Actual problems of training specialists for simulation centers”, “Errors that can be expected in simulator training and ways to eliminate them”, “Medical education with the help of simulation education improving the quality”, “Usage of simulation methods in the teaching of practical training in the Department of Psychiatry”, “The role of simulation training in providing emergency care in critical obstetric cases” were delivered to the audience.

Also, experts from Russia and Japan held practical master classes on the topics of “DIMEDUS digital medical education system”, “How to adopt to the new hernia operation, eTER in ventral hernias”.

At the end of the conference guests were awarded diplomas, thankful letters and souvenirs by the management of our institute.

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