Dear participants of the Forum!
It accords me a profound great pleasure to welcome all of you, the participants of Samarkand Forum on Human rights “Youth 2020: global solidarity, sustainable development and human rights”. I cordially congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the International Youth Day.
I am sincerely grateful to the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for supporting the initiative to hold this Forum.
I am also thankful to the representatives of the United Nations, UNESCO, International Labor Organization, International Migration Organization, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States, Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other partners for their participation in this Forum.
Dear friends!
As we know, the young people with a vision to future are generators of new ideas and creative solutions to make our planet a more peaceful and prosperous place.
The UN Youth Strategy emphasizes that “the young people represent the most valuable and extremely important resource which is worth investing in, as the investment will be repaid manifold in the future”. I fully agree with this key provision.
Since the beginning of the year, the COVID-19 has become a central issue on the global agenda. The emergence of a new type of coronavirus has had serious economic and social consequences throughout the world. The people, particularly the youth, have faced many challenges that require comprehensive responses from the states and the international community.
In these circumstances, the youth voice must be heard. It must be enabled the direct participation in the formulation and implementation of national, regional and global policies and programs aimed to meet their basic needs, protect their rights and legitimate interests.
It is noteworthy that, in today’s difficult situation, the young people meet the challenges, including the pandemic, with their promising initiatives and social projects. Young volunteers around the world are actively involved in supporting vulnerable population and promoting new economic and humanitarian programs.
Dear participants of the Forum!
In the modern world intellectually and spiritually developed, proactive young people are becoming the drivers of sustainable progress. Today, new Uzbekistan’s young generation is a driving force and an active participant in dynamic and large-scale reforms to modernize the country.
In Uzbekistan, young people make up more than half of the country’s population and safeguarding their rights, freedom and legitimate interests is the priority of state policy.
During recent years, many laws, resolutions, Presidential decrees and government decisions have been adopted, the aim of which the comprehensive support and harmonious development of the young generation. So, every youth can take his or her place in society.
The Youth Parliament, Agency on Youth Affairs and Interdepartmental Youth Council were established at the Chambers of Oliy Majlis.
At present, the “Youth of Uzbekistan 2025” Concept is being developed. The common criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of work with young people and a national index for evaluating youth policy are being introduced.
Most of the challenges faced by humanity today, such as peace and security threats, terrorism and extremism, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic require concerted global action and active involvement of youth in the decision-making processes.
In this regard, the adoption of the Convention on Youth Rights initiated by Uzbekistan at the UN 72nd session will be important to ensure the rights of more than two billion young people around the world, will serve to enhance multilateral cooperation for education, social support for the young generation, protecting its interests and creating self-realization conditions. The initiative is widely supported by international community.
I am sure that the participants of today’s Forum will also support this initiative and complement the draft document with constructive proposals.
I hope the current Samarkand International Youth Forum will become another important practical step and significant contribution of the young generation to global solidarity, sustainable development and ensuring human rights for peace and prosperity.
I wish all participants of the Forum a productive work.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan