The nationwide movement “Yuksalish”, in cooperation with UNICEF, is holding meetings and presentations in the regions with the participation of young people on the opportunities of the innovative global digital platform “U-Report”.
This interactive tool serves to explore the views of young people on current issues and initiatives, and thus their decision-making process, further cooperation between young people and public authorities. The services of the “U-Report” platform are used in about 50 countries around the world.
In particular, since May 24 this year in the districts and cities of Andijan region with the support of the Andijan regional khokimiyat in cooperation with the regional branch of the nationwide movement “Yuksalish”, the regional department of the Agency for Youth Affairs organized U-Report platform presentations and seminars for groups of volunteers.
The presentation was also held at Andijan State Medical Institute. The event was attended by more than 150 students.
Diyorbek Turgunov, Chief Specialist of the Regional Branch of the nationwide movement “Yuksalish”, and Jamila Nurjanova, UNICEF U-Report Project Manager, and their project volunteers spoke at the event about the project and its content. During the meeting, the participants exchanged views on current issues and initiatives of interest to students, as well as organized quiz games, in which the organizers presented gifts to students who actively participated.