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17:44 14.08.2024

A delegation of professors and teachers of the institute, headed by the rector of Andijan State Medical Institute M. Madazimov, is on a business trip to the United States of America.



This afternoon, at the invitation of Ryan Klatte, chief research engineer of the bioengineering laboratory of the Cleveland Clinic, the rector of the institute visited the bioengineering laboratory.



It is worth noting that this laboratory is one of the famous biomedical centers in the world, equipped with modern medical equipment.

Currently, scientific research is carried out in several relevant areas. Representatives of the laboratory acquainted representatives of the institute with achievements in the field of 3D modeling of human body parts, virtual formation of patient body parts after computed tomography, creation of artificial prostheses of body parts and anatomically ideal models of implants on a 3D printer.

Junior research fellow of the institute Nour Mohammad shared his scientific work and showed Professor M. Madazimov virtual 3D modeling and samples of prostheses. This high-tech experience was planned to be used in the newly built laboratory of Andijan State Medical Institute, and it was also decided to share the experience of specialists in this field.

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