In Khojaabad district, professors and teachers of the Department of Hospital Therapy and Endocrinology conducted a seminar-training for the heads of FP, FHF, family doctors and specialists of the district medical association. The seminar-training was opened by the pro-rector on Therapeutic Affairs B. Mirzakarimov, who briefed the participants on the work being done in the field, changes in the health sector and the main tasks.
The head of the department “Hospital therapy and endocrinology” Sh. Yusupova “Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinic, diagnosis of diabetes”, leading specialists of the department D. Abdurazzokova “Healthy eating”, I. Mirzaakhmedova “Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinic, diagnosis of anemia”, M. Hamidova “Primary health care” organization and coordination of the activities of aid agencies ”. The participants were also briefed on the organization and operation of the School of Healthy Lifestyles and Health. At the end of the event, a medical examination of endocrinological, therapeutic and hematological patients included in the 3rd group of the district was held.