Memory is such that embodies the history, identity, culture and spirituality of the nation. Nobility elevates a person and fills the heart with joy.
An event on the topic “Memory is sacred, value is eternal” was organized at Andijan State Medical Institute dedicated to the May 9 – the Day of Remembrance and Honor. In it, the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational work S. Salokhiddinov read out a congratulatory speech from the rector of the institute M. Madazimov.
After that, a video dedicated to the memory of the dead teachers was shown. Elderly teachers who spoke at the event expressed their satisfaction for the respect and attention to their hard, honorable work.
By order of the rector of the institute, the Trade Union of the institute presented gifts to honored teachers who have been educating the younger generation for many years.
In the artistic part of the event, talented students performed songs, dances and sketches depicting the difficult days of the war years. Poems read by international students in Uzbek gave everyone a good mood. “Andijan Polka” also called everyone to dance.
The festive event was held in a cheerful atmosphere and brought pleasure to everyone.
Bayram tadbiri ko‘tarinki ruhda o‘tkazilib, barchaga maroqli hordiq onlarini hadya etdi.