The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the Center for Promoting the Spiritual Growth of Students and Students under the Ministry, the Ministry of Culture, the Agency for Youth Affairs announced the republican contest “The Best Student Theater Studios of the Year” among theater studios of higher educational institutions.
The Andijan State Institute hosted the institutional stage of this review-competition. The competition was headed by the first vice-rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and educational work S.Salakhiddinov made an introductory speech and wished good luck to all teams. After that, the teams of “golden stars” of the Faculty of Medicine, “young pediatricians” of the Faculty of Pediatrics and “dentist” of the Faculty of Dentistry competed creatively.
They enlivened various situations and problems in society through their roles and demonstrated them to the audience.
As a result , the teams and their participants were awarded in the following categories:
1. The best performance is the play ”Parvona” (Faculty of Dentistry)
2. For the glorification of national traditions and values-the play ”talaba kelin kerak emas” (No need for a student daughter-in-law) (medical faculty)
3. For the stage interpretation of the current topic – the play “Umid (Hope)” (pediatric faculty)
4. The best student theater studio – the Dentist collective (Faculty of Dentistry)
5. For the best male role – Jalaliddin Abduraimov (the dentist team)
6. For the best female role-Rokhatoy Madaminova (the Golden Stars team), the winners were the rector of the Institute M. Awarded with a Madazimov diploma and cash prizes.
At this stage, the selected students will be accepted into the theater team of the institute “Doctors” and together with the team will take part in the next stages of the competition.
Ushbu bosqichda saralangan talabalar institutning “Shifokorlar” teatr jamoasi tarkibiga qabul qilinadi hamda jamoa bilan ko’rik-tanlovning keyingi bosqichlarida ishtirok etadilar.