October 21 is the day when the Uzbek language was given the status of the state language
“The life mirror that signifies the existence of a nation in the world is in its language and literature”
The native language is the spirit of the nation, its honor, spiritual image, an example of dreams and hopes. The mother tongue is a symbol of the unity and solidarity of the nation. It unites the nation around it as a single nation and provides for its existence in the world. Just as every nation has its own homeland and family, it also has a precious and unique mother tongue. The more a person values his homeland, his parents, his family, the more sacred his mother tongue will be.
While acknowledging the beauty and sophistication of our language, we will continue to enrich our educational and spiritual work. Due to this, we will fulfill our patriotic duty. Language unites people, educates them, teaches them, preserves their customs and traditions.
Therefore, it should be the sacred duty of every citizen to try increasing the international prestige of our native language, to enrich it on the basis of national and universal concepts, to include it in the list of developed prestigious languages.
Head of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature of ASMI