Youth against drug addiction – Andijan State Medical Institute
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Youth against drug addiction

10:34 22.02.2021

Everyone knows the harmfulness of tobacco products. People who use these products know this information. However, they have neither the will nor the will to give them up. As a result, harmful substances adversely affect the body. Unfortunately, bad habits in most cases are found among young people, especially students. In connection with the prevention of what was said at the conference hall of the Institute, a round table discussion was held together with the Department of Internal Affairs on the topic “Fight against the spread of narcotic substances among young people.” The event was opened by pro-rector on Science Gulomiddin Khojimatov. He talked about the dangers of tobacco substances.

During the event, the Deputy Head of the Internal Affairs of the Medical Department, Lieutenant Colonel Shavkat Egamov and the Head of the Expertise and Criminalistics Department, Major Shukhrat Kodirov spoke at the event. They talked about the criminal acts of young people under the influence of drugs and their imprisonment for various periods. They explained that the distribution and sale of these substances is considered a crime. In order not to find themselves in such a situation, students should spend more time in gyms, clubs and reading books. At the end of the event, students received answers to their questions

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