POETS WITH KIND HEARTS – Andijan State Medical Institute
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21:22 23.09.2021


In recent years, due to the attention paid to literature in our country, creative schools named after a number of poets have been established and put into operation. In one of these creative schools, a master class was organized at the Muhammad Yusuf School of Creativity in Andijan on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the official status of the Uzbek language.

The master class was held with the participation of the famous poet, pro-rector of Andijan State Medical Institute M. Botirov. The master class was opened by Sh. Khamidova, a teacher of Uzbek language and literature. The master class was also attended by the leader of the circle, Sukhandon Durdona Abdikarimkhodjaeva, youth leader Abdulaziz Ismatullaev. Poems of works by Muhammad Yusuf, Nodirabegim, Cholpon, Saidakhonim, Tursunoyim were recited during the lesson.


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