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Students are in summer internship

16:25 14.06.2019

The 4th and the 5th – year students of Therapeutic, Pediatric and Dental faculties of ASMI undergo practical training on the basis of the curriculum and Regulations “On qualification practice of students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, approved by the order No. 305 dated October 30, 1998 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

The practice of students is carried out at the highest level in the treatment-and-prophylactic institutions of the Health Department of Andijan, Fergana and Namangan provinces.Students’ practice is focused on issues such as to use the obtained theoretical knowledge in practice, work on themselves, read educational literature, get acquainted with actual problems of medicine, study decrees of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on health care reforms as well as the orders of the Ministry of Health and participate in ensuring their implementation.

The practice of students is conducted mainly in health facilities at the place of residence, where they will work in the future. In these institutions, a mentor-apprentice system has been created, where leading specialists will teach them professional skills. And also, contracts with private hospitals, equipped with modern technical means and instruments, were drawn up.

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