Welcome to Andijan State Medical Institute   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to Andijan State Medical Institute
(0-374) 223-94-60
Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city


  • Head of department: ERKIN S. DJUMABAYEV
  • Working hours: 8.00 – 17.00
  • Contact: +99890 253 64 15
  • Email:

The department was founded in 1969, at that time it was called the Department of Surgical Diseases of the Pediatric Faculty. The department started its work in the surgical department with 60 beds at the Yorboshin Hospital in Andijan district. S.U. Djumabaev was appointed as the head of the department, and for the next 30 years, he served as the head of the department.
The Department of Faculty and Hospital Surgery No.1 is engaged in several scientific directions, including: clinical lymphology, reconstructive-plastic surgery, abdominal surgery, thoracic, and vascular surgery.
Today, in Uzbekistan, there exists a unique school of clinical lymphology distinguished by the development of an independent scientific direction recognized among specialists and its integration into practical healthcare. In order to optimize the use of lymphatic therapy in global practice, in 1986, the department’s staff developed the first working classification of lymphatic therapy. As a result of research in the field of lymphology, 17 doctoral and 40 candidate dissertations have been defended, with ongoing work on 1 doctoral and 4 candidate dissertations. Over 1450 scientific papers have been published, along with 10 monographs, including the first manual on regional lymphatic therapy in English (1988) and the first manual on clinical lymphology (1999). Additionally, 14 patents have been obtained. Since 1989, personnel training in the field of clinical lymphology has been initiated, with over 1800 doctors and 250 nurses from the regions of the republic and CIS countries trained in lymphatic therapy methods. The II All-Union Congress of Lymphologists of the CIS took place in 2009 in Andijan, hosting an international scientific session dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the founder of clinical lymphology in Uzbekistan, S.U. Djumabaev.
In 2012, the scientific and practical activities and technologies developed in the field of clinical lymphology at the Republican Scientific Center for Clinical Lymphology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan received high praise from the International Arch of Europe for Quality and Technology Foundation and were awarded the Gold Symbol “For Quality and Technology”. The center was nominated for this award.
Another key scientific direction of the department is reconstructive-plastic surgery, founded in 1990 by Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.M. Madazimov.
Today, the Center for Reconstructive-Plastic Surgery is the only center of its kind in our country. As a result of research conducted in this center, 2 doctoral and 7 candidate dissertations have been defended, with ongoing work on 4 doctoral and 4 candidate dissertations. Faculty members have published over 100 scientific articles, 16 textbooks, more than 20 methodological guides, 7 monographs, and obtained patents for 24 inventions. To date, the center has performed over 10,000 surgeries. Under the leadership of Professor M.M. Madazimov, residents of our Republic and neighboring republics receive high-quality surgical care.
Currently, the main base of the department is located in the 1st Surgical Department of the AGMI clinic. Additionally, it has educational bases at the MKM Med private clinic in Andijan and in the emergency surgical departments of the Andijan branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care. The department teaches faculty and hospital surgical diseases to students in their 4th and 5th years of study at the Medical-Pedagogical and Medical Faculties.
Since 1998, the department has been headed by Professor E.S. Djumabaev. Currently, the department is staffed by associate professors: Saidkhodjaeva D.G., DSc Salahitdinov K.Z., PhD Askhanov Z.P., senior lecturers: Pakirdinov A.S., Suyunov D.M., Kh.A. Kurbanov, assistants: PhD Temirov P.Ch., PhD Ten D.O., PhD Nazirov S.U. and others.


Djuraxon G. Saidhodjayeva

docent, surgeon

+998 90 256 19 47


Kamoliddin Z. Salahitdinov

DSc, docent, surgeon

+998 90 479 17 71


Zafarbek P. Askhanov

PhD, docent, surgeon

+998 91 160 42 56


Alisher S. Pakirdinov

senior lecturer, surgeon

+998 94 431 08 80


Dilmurod M. Suyunov

senior lecturer, surgeon

+998 90 144 38 87


Hasan A. Kurbanov

senior lecturer, surgeon

+998 91 475 01 56


Pulat Ch. Temirov

PhD, assistant, surgeon

+998 93 414 84 44


Dmitriy O. Ten

PhD, assistant, surgeon

+998 91 122 01 12


Zahid K. Gofurov

PhD, assistant, surgeon

+998 91 498 02 28


Komiljon M. Madazimov

PhD, assistant, surgeon

+998 90 206 00 70


Sardorbek U. Nazirov

PhD, assistant, surgeon

+998 93 410 61 66


Dilmurod A. Abdukadirov

assistant, surgeon

+998 90 156 06 30


Asilbek P. Khabibullayev

assistant, surgeon

+998 94 380 58 85


Gafur A. Azizov

assistant, surgeon

+998 99 432 57 39


Abdulaziz E. Komiljonov

assistant, surgeon

+998 97 995 36 95


Nodirbek N. Nazarov

assistant, surgeon

+998 93 428 55 58


Dilshod A. Ummotaliyev

assistant, surgeon

+998 91 601 05 79


Boburbek M. Tashlanov

assistant, surgeon

+998 97 080 17 77

  1. Faculty of surgery – fourth-year students of the Faculty of Medicine.
  2. Hospital surgery – students of the fifth year medical faculty.
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