Welcome to Andijan State Medical Institute   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to Andijan State Medical Institute
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16:28 11.12.2018

For several years, ASMI and its clinic have been cooperating within the framework of the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) project “Training of medical personnel and medical technicians in working with high-tech medical equipment “.Within the framework of cooperation in October 2016 on the base of the  clinic of ASMI a training center equipped with high-tech laparoscopic simulators and educational equipment was established at the faculty of Physicians’ Advanced Training and Retraining of the institute. The unique training center in Ferghana Valley specializes in the training and retraining of specialists in the directions of laparoscopic surgery and gynecology in Andijan, Ferghana and Namangan regions.

Recently, within the framework of this cooperation, employees of the Department of Operative and Diagnostic Endoscopy, Dentistry and Endourology of the faculty of Physicians’ Advanced Training and Retraining, Bakhodir Rakhmanov and Shukhrat Kurbanov took part in the first International Congress “AII IN ONE” held in Bari, Italy on November 26, initiated by the German International Cooperation Agency and the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Congress was headed by Professor Stefano Betokki – the president of the European Association for Laparoscopic Surgeons and Gynecologists. Participants emphasized that the main topic of the Congress was focused on the use of high-tech diagnostic methods in endoscopic surgery and operative gynecology and improvement of laparoscopic and hysteroscopic operations. They got acquainted with the work of Italian experts in this regard.
The main purpose of the trip was to learn and share experiences in the use of high-tech laparoscopic and ultrasound equipment in medical practice in surgical and gynecological diseases.

It is a great pleasure to have possibility of a wide use of acquired experiences in the educational process and practice of the Department of Operative and Diagnostic Endosurgery, Dentistry and Endourology as well as training center, established at ASMI.
The impressions of the specialists got from the international congress will help in their work experience and serve to train specialists as well as in further improvement of  laparoscopic, hysteroscopic operations and provide medical care to patients.

The work carried out in the framework of the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) project in ASMI and its clinic, will rise to higher levels in future.

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