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12:53 20.05.2024

Today, on May 20, rector of Andijan State Medical Institute M. Madazimov met with the students of the Faculty of Dentistry in order to learn about the problems of students and young people, get acquainted with their suggestions and opinions.

At this meeting the rector noted that nowadays young people in our country are being given great opportunities to reveal their talents and abilities, young people can achieve success by studying and learning. He spoke about the rules of etiquette, dress code and the culture of using social media.

He gave recommendations on the importance of having the skills to use information technologies, foreign languages, modern education and medical technologies.
Students were also told to spend their free time in a meaningful way, not to be deceived by various information attacks, to use the Internet and social networks correctly and not to believe in various deceptions. Concepts were given on the prevention of crime and violations.

Speaking during the meeting, S. Salohiddinov, the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs, D. Tolanov the dean of the faculty talked about the timely attendance of students to classes and the acceleration of preparation for the final exams of the academic year.

Within the framework of this event, senior sergeant B. Odiljanov, the senior inspector of Andijan city IAD FNB YHXB, informed about following traffic rules, not driving a car before having a driver’s license, and paying attention to the traffic lights when crossing the road. Videos on the topic were shown.
Students expressed their suggestions and initiatives, got answers to their questions in a friendly conversation.

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