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13:34 03.06.2023

The institute announces that the contest for the Republic of Uzbekistan President’s State scholarships for talented master’s and bachelor’s students has begun. Talented students who want to participate in the competition will be selected based on the following conditions.
Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
Candidates must be the last academic year students who are successfully carrying out research activities and have studied with excellent grades during the entire period of education. (for Master’s totally 22 scholarships, for Bachelor’s degree – one for each higher education institution)
For Named State Scholarships:
Students are intended to be of the last two years (hereafter referred to as senior courses) of undergraduate studies with “excellent” (maximum 25% “good”) academic performance in all subjects participating in creative work.
Master’s degree:
The following criteria must meet the requirements for the appointment of state scholarships of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
– harmonized general academic education with scientific research (creative works);
– participation in conferences (competitions) according to directions;
– existence of at least two published works;
– knowledge of languages – the state language and one foreign language (except for the state languages of the Commonwealth of Independent States), and in the case of a master’s degree specialization in a foreign language, knowledge of one more foreign language is required;
– To know the history of Uzbekistan.
– The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan determines the level of requirements for knowledge of languages, information technologies, and the history of Uzbekistan.
Bachelor’s degree:
The following requirements are to be intendent for candidates participating in the contests of state scholarships named after the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
a) for state scholarships:
– excellent academic study and participation in scientific (creative) work;
– participation in conferences (competitions) according to directions;
– To know the history of Uzbekistan;
– knowledge of languages – the state language and one foreign language (except for the state languages of the Commonwealth of Independent States), and in special cases where the field of study at the bachelor’s degree is considered a foreign language, in addition, one more foreign language. In this case, applicants pass a special interview in the language departments of the place of study to determine the level of their knowledge of these languages;
b) For state scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in addition to the requirements specified in sub-paragraph “a” of this paragraph, at least two published works (articles, theses or works) are required on the topic corresponding to the bachelor’s field of study.
You are asked to send the applications to the Scientific Department of the institute to Sh.Y. Bustanov or +998999052550 Telegram number up to 06.22.2023.

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