Welcome to Andijan State Medical Institute   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to Andijan State Medical Institute
(0-374) 223-94-60
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08:16 09.09.2024

Dear students!

Dear young people who stepped on the threshold of Andijan State Medical Institute with great hope and confidence!

I sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the new 2024/2025academic year! I congratulate you on this important day of your life and I believe that it will be a prelude to your great success in the future.

Having firmly mastered the knowledge you received from your teachers at school, college and technical school, you entered a higher education institution. Today your dream has come true. Our professors and teachers will guide you in acquiring the profession of a doctor who treat the patients.
Teaching processes in our institute are conducted in accordance with the most advanced educational standards of the world using modern educational and medical equipment.
Dear students, you are truly ready to start the “golden period” in your life. In this way, never stop working on yourself, searching, learning. Make good use of the given opportunities and justify the trust of your parents and your teachers! And I am always ready to support you on this path.
I wish you great achievements and success in the new academic year!
Welcome to our institute, dear students!

M. M. Madazimov
Rector of Andijan State Medical Institute.

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