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Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city


22:27 24.09.2023

Today, on September 24, Minister of Health Amrillo Inoyatov visited the clinic and newly constructed educational building of Andijan State Medical Institute.

The minister was welcomed by A. Mirzajonov, the head of Andijan regional health department, M. Madazimov, the rector of Andijan state medical institute, vice-rectors and officials.

During the visit, they got acquainted with the ongoing construction processes in the newly completed 2,000-seat educational building and viewed the statue of the great scientist and thinker Abu Ali ibn Sina, which was placed in the front of the building. After the introduction process, minister A. Inoyatov mentioned the recommendations for speeding up the construction and paying attention to the aspects that are significant to focus on creating comfortable conditions for students.

The next destination was the ADTI clinic. While getting acquainted with the processes there, minister A. Inoyatov gave suggestions and orders to speed up important issues and processes related to construction and repair work.

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