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Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city


14:55 22.09.2023

Following healthy lifestyle and regular morning exercise increases people’s work productivity and refreshes them throughout the day.

In order to form a healthy lifestyle among the population and increase its physical activity qualified specialists from Andijan State Medical Institute regularly carry out promotional events to ensure the implementation of the decree of the President of October 30, 2020 “On measures for the wide implementation of a healthy lifestyle and further development of mass sports”.

Today, on September 22, “Health promotion event” and scrupulous medical examinations were held at a number of locations in Khojaabad district in cooperation with professors and teachers of our institute and specialists of the district medical association.

320 representatives of the population, schoolchildren, and kindergartens’ children took part in the medical examinations organized in Khojaabad branch of Agrobank, the 9th general secondary school and the 4th kindergarten of the district. 18 specialists, among them endocrinologist, cardiologist, therapist, gynecologist, pediatric urologist and surgeon examined them and gave necessary recommendations. Besides, tests for the diagnosis of diabetes were conducted; a list of patients with symptoms of this disease was formed.

In addition, people were informed about the fact that following a healthy lifestyle, correct and balanced diet, doing sports and physical activity can prevent them from catching various infectious diseases. All people were introduced to useful products for proper nutrition.

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