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(0-374) 223-94-60
Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city


15:22 07.02.2020

In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-4513, dated November 8, 2019 “On improving and expanding the scope of medical care for women, pregnant women and children of reproductive age “, dated February 6, 2020 «On the implementation of the Decree of the governor of  Andijan region of the Republic of Uzbekistan №536 dated November 15, 201 An in-depth medical examination was held at the 39th district UFO located in Ulugnor district, Uchkuprik VCC, Yanchichinor MCC.

The meeting was attended by 18 employees of ASMI, consisting of 8 specialties. The working group provided consultations and assistance to 420 citizens of the district and 154 in-depth medical examinations. During the examination, 8 people  who were to be treated at the time of the examination, were given referrals to the district SPE for treatment at the district hospital.

In addition, 84 UGTs, 69 ECG examinations were conducted and given consultations from specialist. In the course of the visit, 2 unable people were provided with home health care services. During the event, a seminar on prevention of non-communicable diseases, according to the decree №4063 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan about infectious disease was held as well as were given booklets about it.

In addition, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №5537 dated January 29, 2020 “On the Establishment of a Special Commission for the Preparation of a Program of Measures to Prevent the Influence and Expansion of a New Type of Coronavirus in the Republic of Uzbekistan” a seminar was held on the causes of the disease, clinical signs and preventive measures among the population.

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