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Youth association

  • Andijan State Medical Institute youth association leader: Kochkarov Humoyun
  • Time of admission: Tuesday-Friday 13:00-17:00
  • Phone: +99890 544-11-67
  • Email: yoshlarittifoqi@adti.uz

The Youth Union of Uzbekistan is committed to forming a physically healthy, mentally mature and intellectually developed, independent-thinking young generation, protecting young people from external threats and the harmful effects of “mass culture”, and protecting the rights and legal interests of young people. It is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that unites the youth of Uzbekistan, formed by individuals in the organizational and legal form of the union in order to help and create conditions.

The main goal of the Union is to deepen the democratic, political and economic reforms implemented in the country by young people, to strengthen peace and harmony in society, to involve Uzbekistan in the process of joining the ranks of developed countries of the world, and to ensure the effective protection of the rights, freedoms and legal interests of the young generation. – raising the moral and professional level of girls, helping them realize their intellectual and creative potential.
The main tasks of the Union are:
• formation of well-rounded, independent-thinking young people who have their own life position and firm beliefs, who are capable of taking a worthy place in the life of society, becoming a decisive force and support in the processes of reforming and renewing the country, their political culture, increase legal literacy and legal consciousness;
• to educate young people, especially unorganized youth, in a spiritual and moral sense and in the spirit of military patriotism, to develop in them historical memory, national pride and sense of identity, involvement in current events, respect for national and universal values;
•protecting the rights and legal interests of young people, supporting their aspiration to acquire modern professions, involving them in entrepreneurial activities;
•supporting talented young people, creating conditions for them to realize their creative and intellectual potential and involving them in scientific activities;
• formation of a healthy lifestyle, environmental culture among young people, especially non-organized youth, widely involving them in regular physical education and sports;

• to protect young people, especially unorganized youth, from the influence of religious-extremist and other destructive organizations, from negative influences and threats coming from abroad under the guise of “mass culture”, to prevent and prevent delinquency and crime among young people approval etc.

Legal and natural persons can become members of the Union according to the procedure established by the Charter. That is, citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who have reached the age of 14 and do not exceed 30 years of age and natural persons without citizenship who have been regularly living in the Republic of Uzbekistan can become members of the Union. At the same time, non-governmental non-profit organizations in the field of youth and enterprises, institutions and organizations related to the field of youth and
can be a member.

The governing bodies of the Union include:
• Convention;
• Central Council;
• Executive Committee of the Central Council;
• Central control-audit commission.
The structure of the union includes the following:
• Central apparatus of the Union;
• Territorial structures of the Union;
• Local structures of the Union;
Primary organizations of the Union;
•Enterprises, organizations and institutions, including mass media, wholly owned or affiliated with the Union.

The procedure for supporting active students of the Primary Organization of the Andijan State Medical Institute of the Youth association of Uzbekistan.
1. According to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PQ-213 dated October 31, 2005, admission to study on the basis of a contract based on the description letter issued by the military unit commander who has completed military service in the Army 35 percent of the contract sum of the students will be paid by the Central Council of the Youth association of Uzbekistan.
2. 03/15-262 number of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 04, 2023 and N. 04-13/275 of the Central Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan dated April 04, 2023 Based on the joint decision “On measures to improve the activity of primary organizations in higher education institutions of the Youth association of Uzbekistan”, the leader and coordinators of the primary organization of the institute were appointed, and the youth leader of the institute was appointed Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan According to the decision of the court N. 517 of August 26, 2020, the youth coordinators of the institute are financially encouraged based on the above joint decision.
3. Resolution N 59 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 31.01.2020 “On determining the amounts of scholarships paid to students of higher education institutions and measures to improve the procedure for awarding and paying scholarships” Active students of the primary organization of the institute are financially encouraged according to the chapter “Formation of the student incentive fund and the procedure for assigning and paying financial incentives to students at the expense of the funds of the fund”.


Xodjimatov Fayzullo Xayrullo o‘g‘li

Coordinator of the ‘Five Initiatives Projects’ Direction’


Abdurahmonov Shoxjahon Ikromjon o‘g‘li

Coordinator of the ‘Intellectual Projects’ Direction


Sotvoldiyev Javohir Jaxongir o‘g‘li

Coordinator of the ‘Military-Patriotic Projects’ Direction


Soibov Usmonojon Bahromjon o‘g‘li

Coordinator of the ‘Entrepreneurship and Innovative Projects’ Direction


Shermuhammedova Sug‘diyona Nurmuhammad qizi

Coordinator of the ‘Student Girls’ Direction


Sharipov Ubaydullo Shokirjon o‘g‘li


Foziljonova Nodiraxon Nozimbek qizi

Coordinator of the faculty of Treatment


Turdiboyev Jasurbek Po‘latbek o‘g‘li

Coordinator of the faculty of Pediatrics


Abdusattorov Muhammadaziz Azimjon o‘g‘li

Coordinator of the faculty of Stomatology

ADTI Asosiy binosi 3- Etaj

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