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Participants of the 1st Andijan International Students Youth Forum at Andijan State Medical Institute

10:40 20.11.2019

With the aim of promoting the 5 most important initiatives put forward by  President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev among young people, effectively organizing their leisure activities, enhancing their interest in culture and arts, sports and actively engaging them in reading as well as developing cooperation between young people from other countries and regions the 1st  Andijan International Students Youth Forum is being held in Andijan region under the motto “We’ll respond with initiative to the initiative of the head of our state!”.

The participants of the Youth Forum were welcomed by the youth of our region at the station of the city of Andijan.

More than 250 active and talented students from all universities of the country, as well as young people from neighboring Kyrgyzstan are taking part in the International Forum.

Young people of our region are delighted that such an important event as International Forum of the youth is held first in Andijan. We are proud of the youth of our region, that in response to the care and attention of the President of our country, they are making great strides in the fields of science, arts and sports. We want to show our achievements not only in the country, but also around the world.

The forum participants visited the Park of Babur and visited the museum and the newly constructed mosque. A tour to the Andijan Zoo was organized also. The constructive work carried out in the mahalla named “The 27th Anniversary of Independence” also attracted a great interest of young people.

A festive event was held at “Olovuddin” children’s summer camp located in the mahalla “Kampirrovot’ in the city of Khanabad. Khakim of Andijan region Shukhratbek Abdurahmanov attended the amusing event and congratulated the young people on the holiday.

The main meeting of the International Students Youth Forum was held in the magnificent Youth Center in Andijan. Khakim of Andijan region A.K.Abdurakhmanov took part in the event. Participants of the conference discussed the goals and objectives of the students.

After that, the Forum participants got acquainted with the life and activities of the region’s youth. In particular, they visited Andijan State Medical Institute.
Guests were welcomed by the rector of the Institute, doctor of medical sciences, professor M.M.Madazimov and students of the institute.

Achievements of the students of Andijan State Medical Institute both on the national and international scale are of special importance among the students of our region. Rector of the Institute M.Madazimov acquainted the students with the history and current activities of the Institute.

Andijan State Medical Institute has established partnerships with more than 40 foreign medical institutions. All foreign partners highly appreciate the knowledge and professional skills of students of the Institute. It should be proud that the students of Andijan State Medical Institute have won honorable 1st and 2nd places at the International Olympiad held in the Commonwealth of Independent States, Asia and Europe.

The Institute has all conditions for demonstrating the talents and abilities of our youth. The participants of the International Students Youth Forum made sure about this during their acquaintance with the activities of the Institute.
— I am a third-year student of Tashkent State Medical Academy, Shahzodbek Shamsiyev, — said one of the participants of the Forum. — I was very pleased to learn about the conditions created for students at Andijan State Medical Institute. In particular, we have learned with great interest the lessons conducted in the Simulation Center. We will further strengthen our relations with the students of the Institute. I hope to participate in the conference of young scientists, which will be held on December 6 at the Institute.

The forum participants got acquainted with the reading rooms and the Information Technology Center.
At the conference hall of the institute they watched a video about the history of the Institute.


The guests were presented with electronic discs and albums about the life and work of the Institute.
The participants expressed their gratitude to the staff of the Institute for a warm and festive reception.

The 1st International Students Youth Forum in Andijan gave young people unforgettable moments.

Odiljon Karimov,

Press secretary of ASMI

Translated by N.Mamatova

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