The next campaign of healthy life with the team of young volunteers of Andijan State Medical Institute was held in Asaka district.
Asaka tumani aholisi ochiq ko’ngil bilan kutib olishi 6-qishloq oilaviy poliklinikasiga qarashli Qovoq to’pi qarashli maxallalardan boshlandi. The activity was startedwith 6th rural family polyclinic of KovoktupiM.C.C ofAsaka district.
In addition the volunteers visited Vatanparvarmakhalla, where they explained advantages of walking about 5,000 Steps as well as Healthy nutrision and Healthy food rations.
Nowadays a healthy nutrition has a strong impact not only on the individual, but also on the health of future generations. Booklets with information about fruits, vegetables and useful plants were distributed to the population.