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Online communication with Belorussian partners

16:30 12.04.2019

On April 12, 2019 at the International Cooperation Department of Andijan State Medical Institute, an online communication was organized between the leadership of the Institute and the leadership of Belorussian Postgraduate Medical Academy.

The rector of ASMI, professor M.M.Madazimov, the pro-rector for academic affairs, professor A.Arzikulov, head of the department of scientific and research work G.N.Mamatkhodjaeva, Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians H.H.Tursunov and head of International Relations Department K.Salokhiddinov had online communication with the rector of post-graduate medical academy of Belorussia, c.m.s. docent Dmitriy Mikhaylovich Nitkin, pro-rector on academic affairs, docent Tatyana Vladlenovna Kalilina, pro-rector on scientific work, professor Yuriy Mikhaylovich Gain and head of International Relations Department c.m.s. Andrey Vladimirovich Platonov.

Rector of ASMI M.Madazimov gave detailed information about the institute, its current scientific potential, training of personnel and specialists as well as the plans for the future.The rector of the Academy D.M.Nitkin has made proposals on development of scientific cooperation, training of specialists at the world level, training of qualified Master’s degree specialists and clinical residents as well as academic exchange.

Head of the International Cooperation Department K.Salokhiddinov and the Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians H.Tursunov expressed their opinion on academic mobility, joint online conferences and lectures.       At the end of the conversation, the partners expressed deep gratitude to each other for their friendly and sincere scientific dialogue and mutually beneficial proposals on cooperation.
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