On July 20, 2019 in the conference hall of Andijan state medical institute professional (creative) examinations began for entrants who want to study in Higher Nursing Direction. Creative exams have been organized on the basis of the Resolution No.572 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from July 9, 2019 “On strengthening the activity of the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan due to the improvement of the system of students’ admission to the higher educational institutions”. The professional (creative) exam program and evaluation criteria for the “Higher Nursing” Direction were developed at Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, approved by the Central Methodical Council of the institute and confirmed in the meeting of the 10th Scientific Council on May 24, 2019.
All conditions and opportunities for the fair and transparent conduct of the exams have been created in ASMI. Prior to the beginning of the exams, rector M.Madazimov wished all entrants and their parents who gathered at the institute’s courtyard success and said he would provide fairness and justice in today’s responsible and exciting trials. The rector, professor M. Madazimov, pro-rector on Scientific Work and Innovations professor G.Khodjimatov and teachers participated in the examinations.
Applicants and their parents were invited as witnesses before opening the sealed envelope with exam questions. Parent from the city of Andijan Dilbaroy Ruzimatova and teacher from Namangan region Nodirakhon Uzakova took part in the opening the sealed envelope.
After that, professional (creative) exams began. Every entrant was allowed to take exam in turn in particular time. Every examination card contained 4 questions, entrants had 20 minutes for preparation and then answered.
The main goal of conducting this kind of exam on “Basis of Nursing” was to determine the abilities of the applicants to study and work in the chosen specialty, to test their knowledge and professional skills.
Public representatives and parents were also allowed to watch the examinations. In particular, Executive Secretary of Andijan Regional Council of SDP “Adolat” Mominmirzo Kadirov and Kozimjon Mamasidikov from Izboskan district.
Surveillance cameras were systematically worked to ensure the transparency and impartiality in the exams, the process of examinations and response of every applicant were recorded.
No doubt, that knowledgeable and competent young people will have luck. We want to recall that 260 out of 273 registered entrants participated in the creative exams held on July 20, 2019. And now tests are to follow!