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Summing up: Andijan State Medical Institute in 2019 …

16:09 06.01.2020

Each year leaves indelible impressions in human life. Thanks to the peaceful sky above your head, the outgoing 2019 was full of achievements and successes. In the outgoing 2019, the team of Andijan State Medical Institute achieved significant victories.

At present, there are 4 faculties at Andijan State Medical Institute, 630 professors and teachers work at 56 departments and teach 4695 students (388 of them are students of Masters program).

In the 2019-2020 academic year, 2 new directions of the Master’s program were opened – Endocrinology, Pharmacology.
Initially, the number of students was 3374, later became 4307, Master-students were 292, and later became 388.

In medical institutions, 73 specialists and 14 young teachers were involved in the educational process. 9 teachers passed advanced training abroad.

The teaching staff of 45 departments developed 521 curricula and teaching and methodological complexes for undergraduate studies for all educational areas and courses using advanced foreign experience. Electronic versions of the teaching and methodological complexes were recorded on CDs and registered in the RPI.

In the 2019-2020 academic year, telemedicine was organized at the departments of General Surgery, Surgical Diseases, Optional Surgery, Urology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Neurosurgery at the clinic of ASMI. All conditions were created for broadcasting surgical operations from operating rooms in the audience to students, as well as direct communication between students and the surgeon during the operation.

The Institute’s simulation training center is equipped with the necessary tools, robots – simulators, phantoms for mastering practical skills in anesthesiology and intensive care, surgery, otorhinolaryngology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, neonatology, propaedeutics of internal diseases, ophthalmology, anatomy, dentistry.

The institute cooperates with 42 leading higher educational institutions, including South Korea, Germany, Russia, Belarus, Portugal, Italy, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.

In the framework of international cooperation, distance education programs were established with leading foreign universities. In particular, in 2019, over 30 distance lectures and master classes were held with the Russian National Medical Research University named after Pirogov, National Research and Neurosurgical Center named after N.N.Burdenko, Oncological Research Center named after N.N.Blohin, Dagestan State Medical University, Yonsey University of South Korea, Kosice University of Slovakia.

At present 45 international students who are the citizens of Russia, Afghanistan, South Korea, India, Bangladesh and Kazakhstan study at the institute.
20 students have been enrolled to the direction of Dentistry, formed on the basis of Double Degree Educational Program with Dagestan state medical university of the Russian Federation.

The 1st term of study at Master’s program “Medical Engineering” organized in collaboration of the University Daegu, South Korea and Andijan Machine Building Institute have been completed. In the academic year 2019-2020, 8 students will continue to study the 2nd year at the University Daegu.

A joint educational and practical methodological center was organized and operates with the National Medical Neurosurgical Center at the clinic of ASMI. In the 2019-2020 academic year, an electronic dean’s office was developed – an electronic journal and an electronic assessment system were introduced into the educational process.

The «Media Center» located in the center of information technologies was replenished with audio and video lectures and educational – methodical complexes, recorded on electronic CD, DVD disks.

142 copies of educational literature in 121 titles worth 46,434,748, 80 soums, published in 2018-2019 in cooperation with the publishing house Geotar of the Russian Federation were imported to the fund of the institute.
University enrollment rate from academic lyceums increased from 35% to 43%.
In order to organize and improve the quality of the educational process, a number of events are planned for 2020. In particular, in the 2020-2021 academic year, 3 new areas of the Master’s program were organized – Hematology, Nutrition, Dietology.

An increase in the number of students is expected :from 4307 to 4700, Master-students from 388 to 450. 20 graduates will be involved in the educational process, and the number of experienced specialists involved in the educational process will reach 90. 18 employees of the institute will be sent to further training abroad.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, the educational process of the medical faculty will switch to a credit-modular training system.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, undergraduate courses will be organized jointly with Ural State Medical University of the Russian Federation in Pediatrics, with St. Petersburg State Medical University in Preventive Medicine and Biophysics, with Rostock University of Germany joint Master’s program in Biotechnology.

The number of foreign citizens studying in the Institute will reach 100. Educational methodical complexes will be converted into  electronic versions in Uzbek, Russian and English.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, telemedicine will be launched at the departments of traumatology, pediatric trauma, pediatric surgery, obstetrics and gynecology.
The training simulation center will be expanded, there will be room for traumatology, children’s traumatology, and new robot simulators, phantom equipment, and expansion of cooperation with reputable foreign universities and medical centers is planned as well.
In the framework of international cooperation agreements, professors and teachers of reputable foreign universities will conduct more than 50 distance lectures and master classes.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, the educational process will be 100% controlled by the electronic dean’s office.

According to the need for improved curricula, it is expected to create 40 titles of educational literature, 12 textbooks, 28 study guides.

University enrollment rate of graduates of academic lyceums will be brought up to 55%.
Research work completed in 2019
The institute has 56 departments, and the total number of professors and teachers is 629 people, of which 38 are Doctors of Science and 152 Candidates of Science. The average age of Doctors of Science is 64.8 years, and the average age of Candidates of Science is 53.1 years. The scientific potential is 30.4%.

2 doctoral (DSc) and 11 PhD dissertations were defended in 2019, 5 doctoral (DSc) and 22 PhD dissertations are planned to be defended in 2020
In order to fulfill the tasks outlined in the Decree of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD – No.4958 «On Further Improvement of Postgraduate Education» dated February 16, 2017 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 22, 2017 No.304 «On measures to further improve the system of postgraduate education», 20 applicants are enrolled in the doctoral program (7 applicants in the first year, 10 applicants in the second year, and 3 in the third year).

On the basis of independent research in the first year – 2 candidates are engaged in doctoral dissertation, 10 – PhD theses, in the second year – 1 is engaged in doctoral and 4 – PhD theses, in the third year – 4 applicants are engaged in PhD theses.

In the reporting year, professors and teachers of our institute published 19 monographs, 173 articles in scientific journals of Uzbekistan, 308 in foreign scientific journals, 123 abstracts in congresses and conferences abroad. 1714 articles and theses were published in the conference collections of our Republic, 269 abstracts were published in local conference collections, 24 patents, 422 rationalization proposals, 429 works implemented in practice were prepared, 26 scientific and practical conferences were held.

One fundamental and one applied project, won in the contest, organized by the Ministry of Innovation Development is implemented by professors and teachers of the Institute.
The international inter-institutional project, “BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING” worth $ 70,000 (ASMI, Andijan Institute of Machine Building, Daegu University of South Korea), which was a winner of the Academic Innovation Fund Grant competition, is in the process. According to the project, 8 Master’s students were enrolled and studied the first year of study at ASMI and  Andijan Institute of Machine Building, and in the second year they will continue their studies at the Daegu University of South Korea.

Ensuring the active participation of young people in the large-scale reforms implemented in the country, aimed at upbringing a comprehensively healthy and harmoniously developed generation with high spirituality, independence and free-thinking, thoroughly mastering the achievements of modern science; Improving the efficiency of research, the Week of Innovative Ideas “Innoweek.Uz” was held on March 26, 2019 at the institute. During the Week of Innovative Ideas                                 “Innoweek.Uz” Fair, the professors and teachers of the institute participated with 52 projects and young scientists with 17 projects.
The winners of the fair were awarded in the nominations «The Youngest Inventor», «The Most Active Woman», «The Best Innovative Idea» and diplomas of 1-2-3 grades and valuable prizes.

The Council of Young Scientists, established at the Institute, is working to support talented students and realize their creative and intellectual potential. There are more than 50 subject clubs at the Institute, of which 38 are scientific clubs. More than 1500 students are involved to the scientific clubs. Of these, 153 gifted students are engaged in research work with their research supervisors on various research topics. This year, gifted students published more than 155 scientific articles and thesis, including 38 in the international scientific journals, 121 in the national scientific journals, 52 in the international conferences, 512 in the national conferences, and over 870 students participated at institute conferences.

In 2019, the 6th year student of the Faculty of Therapy Olimov Azizbek Alijon ugli was awarded the State Scholarship named after Ibn Sino and Ruzimatova Nodirabegim Shukhratillo kizi was awarded the State Scholarship named after Islam Karimov.

6th year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics Mukhtarjanova Khusnigul Nodirbek kizi won the Zulfiya State Prize.
The 6th year student of the Faculty of Therapy Mamajanova Nodirakhon Zafarovna was awarded the scholarship of the Association of Physicians of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

44 students participated in the International Science Olympiads and were awarded I, II and III places.
On May 9-26, 2019 students took part in the Republican Science Olympiad, and the 6th year student of the Faculty of Therapy took the 1st place.

Students of our institute were awarded certificates for active participation at the Republican scientific and technical conference on the theme «The role of youth in the development of science and education» at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan on November 22, 2019.

In the framework of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan «Strategy of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2021» on December 6, 2019 in Andijan State Medical Institute was held Republican scientific conference of young scientists and talented students.In this conference Shokhrukh Ahmadaliev – 2nd year student of Master’s department majoring in Pediatric Resuscitation and Anesthesiology – was awarded a diploma of 1st degree.

A “Consultation Center” has been created for professors and teachers of ASMI, doctoral students and students to use the international scientific and technical database “Scopus” and “Science Direct”. In cooperation with Yelsevier company, an e-database resource guide has been developed and users are continuously working on it.

The work carried out in the year of “Active Investments and Social Development”
at Andijan State Medical Institute.


  1. Therapeutic and preventive activities in the departments.
  2. Development of the healthcare system in Andijan region in 2019.
  3. Further improvement of the activities of institutions of the primary health care system.

 PD 4440 – “On measures to improve medical and social care for children with hereditary genetic diseases” dated September 7, 2019.
Decree – 842 of the Cabinet of Ministers – “On measures to improve the system for the provision of narcological assistance to the population” dated October 3, 2019.
PD – 4063 – “On measures for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and increasing the physical activity of the population” dated December 18, 2018
PR -5629 – “On the creation of free economic zone “Andijon-farm” ”dated January 14, 2019.
PD – 2857 – “On measures to improve the further organization of primary health care in the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated March 29, 2018.
Full coverage of the population with patronage
             According to the action plan developed by the institute, in 2019 methodological and practical assistance was provided in 17 cities and regions of Andijan region. On-site medical examinations were attended by 12 employees of various specializations of the institute and clinic of ASMI. During the year, 64 comprehensive medical examinations were performed, in which 177,129 citizens were examined. 158 patients in need of treatment were directed to the clinic of ASMI. Also, 6 patients with heart defects underwent surgery.

The leading professors and teachers of the clinical departments organized 158 lectures, 162 conversations, 17836 medical examinations, 93 quizzes in medical and preventive institutions of Andijan region. In particular, 512 times in RMU, 67 times in mahallas, 29 times in secondary schools.

In order to timely inform the medical news and modern methods of treatment, as well as the organization of seminars, distance education was established by leading specialists of the institute with primary health care units from Izboskan, Asaka, Markhamat districts of Andijan region.

In order to strengthen the integration of science and education and conduct practical classes at the institute’s clinical facilities, 25 classrooms were created in 17 cities and districts of Andijan region.

Also, agreements were signed with 52 medical and preventive institutions of Andijan region related to the health system, which have modern medical and high-tech equipment for conducting training sessions and practice.

In the clinic of ASMI located on Y. Otabekova Street, 36599 patients were examined in 2019, 95047 patients received outpatient treatment in consultation polyclinics.
According to the instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoev, who visited Andijan region in June 2, 2017 under the State Investment Program, major repairs were planned in the blocks of the ASMI clinic, for which 12.7 billion soums were allocated.
– In 2017, 3.5 billion soums were allocated for capital repairs.
– In 2018, the amount of the tender for the capital revision of the 2nd block amounted to 4.7 billion soums.
– In 2019, the amount of the tender for the capital revision of the 3-block amounted to 4.6 billion soums.

In particular, in September 2019, with the support of the German International Organization for Cooperation (GIZ), the company installed and commissioned the oxygen generator to provide the clinic of ASMI with pure oxygen.

In June 2019, a scientific and practical conference on preventive medicine was held at  ASMI. Within the framework of this conference, in the direction of the German International Organization for Cooperation “GIZ”, 3-day master classes were held on the topic “Laparoscopic operations of large volume in surgical and gynecological diseases”, 10 operations were performed, and over 30 patients were consulted.
In September 2019, according to the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, under the guidance of the director of the Republican Specialized Surgical Center, Professor F.G. Nazirov, a group of cardiac surgeons and hepatobiliary surgeons held master classes in the clinic of ASMI, advised over 50 patients and performed 6 operations. In addition, for the first time in the Ferghana Valley, the operation on cardioplegia was performed in our clinic.
In October 2019, for 3 days, the head of Endoscopic Gynecology department of the Republican Perinatal Center J.M. Gofurov and the head of Endoscopic Surgery department of the RCEMP A. Khakimov held master classes in laparoscopic surgery and gynecology.


  • Community of neonatologists, docent A. Khusanova;
  • Community of Obstetricians – Gynecologists, Professor D. B. Asrankulova;
  • Community of Psychiatrists, Professor M.L. Agranovsky
  • Scientific Society of Therapists, Professor N.S. Mamasoliev
  • Community of General Physicians, Professor Z.S. Salohiddinov
  • Community of Otorhinolaryngologists, professor K.K.Kosimov.
  • Community of Ophthalmologists, professor A.F. Ikromov;
  • Community of Surgeons, Professor G.M. Khaj
  • Community of Urologists, Professor A.K. Shadmanov
  • Community of Pediatric Surgeons, Anesthetists and Resuscitators,

Professor A.A. Gafurov;

  • Community of Neurologists – Sh.U. Usmanov;
  • Community of GP, docentU. Nazarov

86 meetings were held in the communities, 126 problems were discussed.

In 2019 the spiritual and educational work was carried out in the following directions:

  • Clarification of Presidential decrees, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, official documents of the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis;
  • In the ideological direction;
  • In the spiritual and educational direction;
  • In the direction of religious extremism, fundamentalism and the fight against it;
  • In the direction of “Information and Curatorial Hours”, “Department Day” activities;
  • In the direction of crime, offenses and combating them;
  • In the direction of the fight against drug addiction and AIDS;
  • In the direction of physical education and sports;
  • Organization of the curator’s work ;
  • Organization of work with students living in apartments;
  • Organization of activities of public organizations;

In order to ensure compliance with the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Action Program was developed on the basis of the state program devoted to “The Year of Active Investments and Social Development”.
         On the study of the essence and content of the President’s works:
In total 85 events were held. The participants in these events were 6580 people. Professors, teachers and students were acquainted with decrees and resolutions of the President, as well as other legislative documents in this area.

For further development of political, legal culture of students:
In total, 77 events, round tables and meetings were held. There were 6160 participants.

In the area of the formation of ideological immunity, the fight against religious extremism, terrorism, as well as ensuring security, interethnic harmony:     In total – 95 round tables and events were held. The number of participants was 7678.

In the area of historical dates, national holidays and celebration of the birth of our great ancestors:
         In total, 4551 students participated, 57 meetings and events were held.

Formation of artistic and aesthetic consciousness of students, familiarization with classical and contemporary masterpieces:
In total, 6085 students participated in 75 events.

Formation of students’ philosophy of a healthy lifestyle, sports and fitness direction:
In total, there were 77 events, sporting events and meetings with 6156 students.

In the direction of crime prevention and delinquency among youth:
A total of 76 events were held. 6010 students participated in them. As a result of the measures taken at the institute, there was no any incident.

In the direction for organization the work of curators:
Based on the tasks set in the resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 250 conversations were organized at the institute in 2019.

Our achievements during this period are reflected in the following figures.
The 6th year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics, Khusnigul Mukhtorjonova, was awarded the Zulfiya State Prize.

Head of the Department of Training of General Practitioners-1, Z.S. Salokhiddinov awarded the “Shukhrat” medal.

The Vice-Rector for Innovation and Science G.M.Khodjimatov was awarded the title «The best scientific worker», as well as the breastplate «Excellent worker of the healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

The head of the Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology, D.Z. Mamarasulova was awarded the breastplate «Excellent worker of the healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan».
Due to the 75th anniversary of the professor at the Department of Medical Biology and Histology at the Academic Council of Tashkent State Dental Institute, A.Yu. Yuldashev was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of ASMI.

On March 28-30, the Institute’s football team, consisting of students and teachers, became the winners of the Association Cup tournament organized by the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Center for Oncology and Radiology and the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan.

The teacher of the Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Education D. Uktamov worthily participated in a number of international competitions in athletics in the Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan, in which he took honorable 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, thereby winning a point in the Tokyo Olympics -2020.

The team “Ulfatat” took part in the semi-final of the Republican Contest of “Cheerful and Resourceful”.

On November 19-21, the 1st Andijan International Students Forum was held.

On December 16-19 at the Republican stage of the competition of students’ theater studios held in Tashkent, the team » Shifokorlar » won.

The number of members of the dance group «Andijan Polka» was increased to 20 people. The musical team “Shifokorlar Ensemble” was formed.

During the year, activists of the Youth Union and gifted students organized health campaigns in remote areas of the region and district centers.

In addition, during 2019, a psychological center and a room for practicing music, painting, sports, fitness, computer technology and the Internet, as well as a library, were organized in the dormitory of the institute.
In this regard, 6.5 million were spent on the purchase of national and modern musical instruments, 7 million – for sports equipment and 13 mln 520 thousand  for other equipment. Totally 27 million 20 thousand soums were spent.

In the Information Resource Center of the Institute and in the hostel «BOOK CAFE»s were organized for students.

In order to implement the 1st initiative put forward by the President of the country, 47 events were held to increase the interest of young people in music, painting, literature, theater and other arts. Of these, 31 theater performances were organized by the students, the competition “Cheerful and Resourceful” was organized 11 times as well as 5 times – musical performances in open areas

To implement the 2nd initiative, a total of 44 sporting events were held.     Of these, 16 – mass walking, actions “We are supporters of a healthy lifestyle” – 7 times, roundtable discussions on the topic “Youth – supporter of a healthy lifestyle” – 15 times, and also held competitions in football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis , athletics, chess and checkers.

For the implementation of the third initiative, aimed at ensuring efficient use of computer technology and Internet between population and youth, 21 times of various events were held. Nowadays, the Institute has an Information Technology Center, Information Resource Center as well as special language laboratories with  Internet.

With the aim of implementing the fourth initiative, 43 events were organized to increase the spirituality of youth and propaganda for reading books. Of these, book fairs were organized 29 times. 14 times meetings and conversations with famous poets and writers were organized. For employees and students, a “Bibliotherapy” table was developed and installed in the lobby of the institute.

To implement the fifth initiative, aimed at «Women’s Employment» a monitoring group was organized with the participation of heads and specialists of graduate departments. They held bilateral meetings with employers of Andijan, Namangan and Ferghana regions, totally 17 times. As a result, graduate employment was achieved for 99%.

46 preferential vouchers for the health of children of employees of the institute were bought, and the Trade Union of the institute spent 20 692 088 soums. At the initiative of the rector of the institute, 550 employees and veterans of the institute and the clinic rested in a recreation area in Shohimardon of Ferghana region.

For the improvement of health of the staff of the institute, the Trade Union provided 44 directions to the sanatoriums, 16 of them at the expense of social insurance for the sum of 23,900,800 sums, and 28 at the expense of 10% privilege by Trade Union, so 39,550,184 soums were spent.

On the occasion of the New Year holidays, 1035 professors and staff were awarded New Year’s gifts in the amount of 103.5 billion soums.
In order to develop and strengthen the material and technical base of the institute, capital and ongoing repair work of educational buildings and student hostels will be carried out at the expense of budget and extra-budgetary funds.

According to the PD-2909 of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Measures for the Further Development of the Higher Education System” of April 20, 2017, it was planned to reconstruct the 2-academic building and construct a new educational building with 400 seats located on A. Fitrat Street. In April 2019 an agreement was signed with PJSC Azimut Stroy on the basis of a tender in the amount of 16 billion 607 million soums and reconstruction work was carried out.

Overhaul in the amount of 2 954 766 698.00 soums was made in the educational laboratories of the institute and the student dormitory.

In particular: Due to the extra-budgetary funds of the institute, a major overhaul was carried out in the main building, in the 1st and 2nd building of the hostel, as well as the dining room, boiler room, bathhouses located in 6, Chorguzar Street.

To prepare the institute for the 2019/2020 academic year, in the 3rd building of the institute (Old Academic Lyceum), located in 6, Chorguzar Street, the building was overhauled and the roof was covered with corrugated board. 1207.16 million soums from extrabudgetary funds were spent on this.
A recreational area was created in the student dormitory, landscaping was carried out for 164.16 million soums from extrabudgetary funds.

In addition, at the expense of 26.3 million soums of budget funds and 414.0 million soums of extra-budgetary funds, office equipment was purchased – computers, printers, projectors, risographs, etc.

Textbooks, as well as books of world and Uzbek literature, were purchased in the amount of 110.0 million soums. It was published by the Institute of textbooks in the amount of 50.0 million soums with the help of a risograph. For the simulation center of the institute, moulages for 675.0 million soums were purchased.

31458 pieces of seedlings of flowers for 20.1 million soums and 50 pieces of seedlings of hazel for 580.0 thousand soums were purchased for landscaping the institute and hostel territory.

New Year brings new hopes and dreams. We hope that in the coming New Year the team of Andijan State Medical Institute will make a worthy contribution to the development of our Motherland with its great achievements.

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